Handlebar lamp for electric Mountain Bikes / E-BIKE
This electric bicycle lamp powered by the kit’s battery will allow you to ride at night and see as in the daytime.
Allows you to ride at night during the months when the sun sets early, also very pleasant in summer when it is too hot to ride during the day.

We measure the lighting value of a lamp in lumens, our lamp has two bulbs (for more security) of white LED type, which allows to light at about 6000 lumens in maximum power, with a range of about 40 meters.
As a comparison a car in full headlight makes 1200 lumens and an ordinary flashlight equipped with a flat battery of 4,5V and a bulb “spearhead” of 0,2A will give approximately 5 to 8 lumens.
The lamp offers 3 powers that can be selected by simply pressing the button on the back.
- Mode 1 : 2000 lumens / consumption 0.10Ah
- Mode2: 4000 lumens / consumption 0.20Ah
- Mode3: 6000 lumens / consumption 0.30Ah
You can see at the back of the lamp, the level of the battery displayed thanks to 3 small indicators
- 3 green round battery full
- 2 green round battery at 2/3
- 1 green circle remains 1/3

The fixation is done with small thick elastic bands specially designed to last in time, there are two to fit oversize handlebars 31.8 or 35mm and a second for the classic size 22.2 and 25.4.
The power supply of the lamp is made through a USB connection, so it will also be possible to plug any 5v USB device instead of the lamp, such as charging your cell phone.
the lamp for electric bicycle is fixed in 1 minute maximum and without any tools, once in place thanks to the small rubber buffer the lamp does not move any more in use but can be adjusted nevertheless.
Note that it is possible by adapting the lamp on the visor of a helmet (some prefer…).
Thanks to some Rilsan collar and a little patience, in 5 to 10 minutes the first time we install the lamp on the visor.
there is also a thread under the body of the lamp that can remove the round handlebar mount and have a flat surface with a thread to fix the lamp firmly on the support of your choice (many of us have an old helmet at home that could be dedicated to this …).
the light weight of the lamp (90 grams) makes that it is absolutely not felt that it is on the handlebar as on the helmet
The body is made of aluminum with fins to ensure proper cooling the dimensions of the lamp are 60 milimeters wide 40mm high and 48mm deep for comparison it is the size of a small pack of matches …
Even if it is not recommended to overexpose theelectricbike light to water, it is waterproof to the few drops that could reach it during a ride and obviously to dust…
The power supply of the lamp is done through a USB type connection.
It will also be possible to connect any 5v USB device instead of the lamp, such as recharging your cell phone, a GPS, which is very practical for long trips!

The lamp is powered directly by the battery of the mid drive motor kit LIFT MTB, the consumption is about 0.30 Amper per hour at full power by mixing the mode we easily divide by two the consumption which allows to have about a consumption of 1 Amper per hour, because in practice we play on the 3 modes very easily and often to reduce consumption.
- Mode 1 : 600 lumens / consumption 0.10Ah
- Mode2: 1200 lumens / consumption 0.20Ah
- Mode3: 2000 lumens / consumption 0.30Ah
Cable between battery and adapter about 40cm to make a connection to the handlebars or helmet.