Handlebar throttle or pedal sensor in electric mountain bike?
The LIFT-MTB system offers 2 power management solutions.
The pedal sensor (optional) and a handlebar throttle (included as standard with the motor).
These two solutions can be combined and allow to combine performance and comfort of use.
Although the LIFT MTB kit has a pedal sensor option, we prefer to use the handlebar throttle for electric bikes.
The pedal sensor (P.A.S) is required by law to approve electric bikes at the European e-bike classification.
It is therefore common knowledge that this is the most efficient solution, since the major manufacturersuse itby obligation.
But just because a technological choice is imposed on us politically, it does not mean that it is technically the best solution on the ground.
With this in mind and after numerous tests, we have chosen to use manual throttleas it is the case in all other off-road sports (motorcycle, quad etc. …) because it is simply what is the most logical, adapted, and efficient for off-road use with obstacles to overcome.
The handlebar throttle is very smooth and progressive,
which allows you to dose the acceleration and power you want according to your needs.
Unlike a pedal sensor, or a torque sensor where you have to pedal to be assisted, the trigger allows you to assist only when necessary.
Thus, when you pedal downhill, or on the flat, you are not obliged to trigger the assistance, hence a clear gain in autonomy.
In spite of all the sensors that can be grafted onto a crank, nothing replaces the analysis of the human brain in the management of the power to be transmitted to the ground, the handlebar throttel is by far the best solution in terms of efficiency and optimization of consumption.
- You can use the throttle without pedaling.
- Very energy consuming but very effective in some technical passages, you will cross the obstacles more easily.
- You will anticipate difficulties better, because you can take momentum, it is all the more effective since you are not limited in speed.
- You can also walk beside your bike and accelerate very slightly so you don’t have to push it.
- No need to take your hands off the handlebars to change modes for a short stretch of riding, a simple pull of the trigger is enough.

We tried different versions of the throttel :
- The twist grip on an electric bike (very difficult to manage for a bike use)
- To the right thumb (can cause interaction problems with the gear shifter), etc…
Finally, they are all unanimous after testing:
The left index finger or left thumb trigger is still the most practical, ergonomic and effective.
In short, the handlebar throttle is progressive and very effective on the ground!

We also offer an optional pedal sensor.
It is a comfort option that can be combined with the trigger, like a car cruise control.
A sensor detects the movement of the pedals and gives a defined percentage of assistance (as on a classic electric bike).
This option is easily adaptable to the purchase, or in a second time, more information with our article sensor pedal VTT electric.

1/ The mounting of the throttle on the handlebar at the left thumb.
2/ The assembly of the gas pedal to the handlebar with the index.
Opposite a photo of the controller with the removable interface left index:
The removable interface that can be screwed on the original trigger.
This interface allows to manage the manipulation of the trigger with the left index finger, it is for us the most ergonomic solution.

Handlebar throttle how does it work?
Note that the trigger throttle control also incorporates the On/Off button, and a battery level indicator.
This solution is more ergonomic and less fragile than some screens.
Our opinion on electric mountain bike twist grips
After many tests and a lot of experience in off-road motorcycling we think that twist grips are not suitable for low power VTTAE.
Indeed, unlike the motorcycle, the engine is not powerful enough to pitch up on a gas stroke for example.
As a result, you have to pull on the handlebars, which makes the twist grip not very pleasant, and also when you put the bike at an angle, you tend to accelerate without doing it on purpose.
Moreover, when you pedal upright, unlike on a motorcycle where you hold the bike between your legs, it makes power management less efficient, because you have to let go of your hand slightly to shift it and avoid accelerating in these situations, which is not so easy on rough terrain, especially when you alternate technical phases where you pull on the handlebars with phases where you use the engine
The half throttle is not really adapted to an off-road use with this kind of power.

Interest of a torque sensor in electric bike ?
Concerning the torque sensors present on many bikes of the trade put forward by other manufacturers for example the Bosch crankset motors, or theYamaha crankset motors …
We think that it is not necessary if you use a trigger, it is more efficient in terms of anticipation when driving to have a pedal sensor coupled with a trigger as on the engine crank LIFT MTB, this is where we get closer to the real MTB in terms of feeling, it is more efficient, and more fun.